Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We are slowing down...

Wow - Seems like we really aren't blogging as often as we should. I suppose that is because we are the phone with each other instead. So... I really know nothing. People think I am strange that I washed the basement floor before the Culligan man came yesterday. And speaking of the Culligan man, Jeff reports that he was here for over 1/2 hour with tool box in hand. I am pretty sure the main problem was the fact that we didn't have any salt... Anyhow, I heard it generate last night, but the water was still pretty gross this morning. I am sure that is because we need to use up what is in the water heater/pipes first. I have high hopes for tomorrow. I don't know how Katie can handle having hard water at school - a person can't even work up a lather in the shower! Yucko!

Other than that, I know very little. Sick of snow and cold and rain. Am hoping against hope that the weather is decent for Sunday, so we don't have to worry about water proofing Katie's belongings. Boo!

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